The Kallikantzaroi, according to Greek folklore, are malevolent creatures that emerge from the underworld during the Greek Christmas period and cause trouble for humans.

During the winter solstice, when the movement of the sun seems to halt, they creep out: the malicious, mischievous, ugly, and naughty creatures called Kallikantzaroi – Καλικάτζαροι. They might be likened to leprechauns, vengeful goblins, or pixies in other European folk beliefs.
Alongside fascinating tales of creatures like the Kallikantzaroi, Greek folklore is still today characterized by superstition and mystery. The book “Journeys Through Greek Superstition” explores everything from the dreaded evil eye to the art of interpreting coffee grounds – fascinating reading for the curious and perfect as a gift to the interested.
In Greece, Kallikantzaroi are depicted as gruesome and scary human-like creatures, often with strong animal traits. Many of them have tusks, tails, and goat claws for feet. They are hairy, ugly, dirty, and smelly, usually small in stature but sometimes as large as donkeys or horses.

Kallikantzaroi are also portrayed as extremely nimble, with winding bodies and tentacle-like limbs. They can creep into houses at night through chimneys, doors left ajar, small gaps in walls, or even keyholes.
Stirring up mischief in the households
Once indoors, they cause a lot of trouble. They smash furniture and break housewares, devour Christmas food, make a lot of noise, rattle and scream, scare people, cheat children out of sweets, urinate in pans, burp loudly, and drop farts on glasses and plates. In the dark, they assault women, steal people’s voices, and cause all sorts of mishaps and accidents.
The Kallikantzaroi have characteristic names that in the Greek language sound bizarre, but also comical, and peculiar. Those include Malaganas, Triklopodis, Mandrakoukos, Magaras, Malaperdas, Planitaros, Katahanas, Vatrakoukos, Kolovelonis, Paganos.
Humans try to protect themselves against the Kallikatzaroi during Greek Christmas, mainly by exploiting their weaknesses. Since they are extremely light-shy, one should not turn off the fire in the stove and other light sources during the Christmas season. Since they are averse to religious (Christian) symbols, one should make sure to draw a cross on doors, windows, and chimneys. It is also possible to use special charms to scare them. Incense and holy water also keep them away.
Kallikantzaroi and other beings are a classic example of rich Greek folklore. For those curious about how traditions and customs are still alive today, there is the book “A guide to Greek traditions and customs in America”, full of practical information that will be indispensable to anyone interested in the Greek heritage.
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Dodekaimeron and Epiphany – the baptism of Jesus
The Kallikantzaroi remain above the Earth for the entire duration of Greek Christmas, Dodekaimeron/Δωδεκαήμερον, which in Greece lasts between Christmas Eve (December 24) and Epiphany (January 6).
Literally, Dodekaimeron means ‘the twelve days’ and is a significant period in traditional celebrations. The concept is also known in English as the Twelve Days of Christmas
On January 6, when in Greece people celebrate the baptism of Jesus – Epiphany (see below), the Kallikantzaroi disappear back into the underworld. They return to their main year-long activity of trying to cut down the World Tree or World Pillar. But on the day of Epiphany, the sun has already regained its movement in the sky and the World Tree has grown large again. The Kallikantzaroi therefore have an impossible mission that can never be completed; it is constantly repeated in circles, year after year.
To ensure that all Kallikantzaroi have returned to their dens, small fireworks or firecrackers are set off on roofs and chimneys in Greece on the evening of Epiphany.
The equivalent of the Greek Kallikantzaroi can also be found in other Balkan countries. In Bulgaria, they are referred to as Karakondjul (Караконджул), in Serbia as Karakondžula (Караконџула), and in Albania as Kukudhi or Karkanxholji.

Epiphany is a major holiday in Greece that celebrates Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River and the appearance of the Holy Spirit. The Greek Orthodox Church sanctifies the waters of lakes, rivers, and seas. Priests then use basil twigs to sprinkle holy water on the faithful.
They also throw a wooden cross into the water, which young people jump in to catch. Whoever reaches first and picks up the cross, later carries it to each household and receives rich gifts. Believers also get holy water from the churches to use for various protective purposes throughout the year.
Epiphany and the Baptism of Jesus
As we also mention during our guided tours of secret Athens, Epiphany is also the only day of the year when Hadrian’s Reservoir in Kolonaki, Athens, is opened for the church to bless its waters.”
To immerse yourself in Greek folklore take a look at: “The Book of Greek and Roman Folktales, Legends and Myths”. A rich collection of myths, fables, and jokes from antiquity – everything from centaurs and satyrs to seers, women who suddenly change sex, and men who can’t laugh… The book offers a fascinating glimpse into the captivating, colorful storytelling and humorous fairy tale treasure of our ancestors.
Other Greek Christmas and New Year traditions
In this article, we have only scratched the surface of some of the countless Greek Christmas and New Year traditions. Folklorists have documented hundreds of different customs, songs, dances, and more that vary greatly depending on where you are in Greece.
There are major differences in customs between, for example, the Cyclades and Northern Thrace, the Peloponnese, Crete or Greek Macedonia. There may even be differences between coastal and inland areas within the same region. There may be distinctive food traditions, special ceremonies, songs and dances, or other customs that appear very different between islands and the mainland, or between mountainous areas and plains.
The Greek Christmas table
Greek Christmas is filled with culinary traditions that reflect the country’s rich history and its many local variations. The table overflows with a variety of appetizers and countless main courses featuring lamb, poultry, or game. Each region or area has its unique delicacies and customs, making the celebration especially diverse and rich. But no Christmas in Greece is complete without the beloved classic Christmas cookies: melomakarona (μελομακάρονα) and kourabiedes (κουραμπιέδες).
- Melomakarona are sweet cookies soaked in an aromatic syrup of honey, orange, brandy, and cinnamon, topped with chopped walnuts.
- Kourabiedes are buttery cookies covered in a layer of powdered sugar, reminiscent of winter snow.
These two types of cookies are indispensable during the Greek Christmas season and are beloved for their unique flavors. Although recipes vary between families and regions, they hold a prominent place in Greek Christmas celebrations. At the same time, they carry influences from the wider Eastern Mediterranean, where different peoples have shared flavors and traditions for centuries.

Superstition and proverbs are a central part of Greek culture. In the book “Yiayia Approved: Greek Sayings, Proverbs, Advice, Superstitions, & More”, author Angela Vardalos Saclamacis has collected over 200 classic sayings, advice, and supernatural beliefs – perfect for impressing relatives or just having fun while learning more about the traditions.
Kalanda – Greece’s traditional Christmas carols
“Κάλαντα/Kalanda are traditional songs typically sung by children during holidays such as Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, and Epiphany (January 6). The name kalanda is inherited from the medieval Greek καλένδαι/calende, which originates from the Latin calenda
Children go from house to house, politely asking, ‘Shall we sing?’ before performing the songs, often accompanied by a triangle-shaped percussion instrument or other simple instruments. Afterward, they receive a gift, usually in the form of sweets, fruit, or a small amount of money.
The lyrics and melodies vary significantly between different regions of Greece. These local variations reflect the unique culture and traditions of each area, making Κάλαντα a vibrant part of the country’s rich cultural heritage.
New Year traditions in Greece
We conclude with a few other common customs associated with the New Year, observed throughout the country:
- Right foot first. When you enter a house for the first time in the year, you should do so with your right foot. In this way, you bring good luck and fortune to the house and its occupants for the whole of the coming year
- The long-awaited cake Βασιλόπιτα/Vasilopitta, in which a coin is hidden before baking. Whoever gets the piece of cake with the coin inside will have good luck and fortune throughout the new year
- Crushing a pomegranate in front of the door. The more seeds scattered, the more luck the house will have in the new year. Since ancient times, the pomegranate has been a symbol of happiness and abundance
Have you tasted some particular dishes or witnessed any special habits and customs during the celebrations of Greek Christmas? We would greatly appreciate it if you would share your experiences in the comments section!
More about Kallikatzaroi in folklore and tradition
Kallikantzaroi: The Christmas Goblins of Greece on DAIMONOLOGIA: An article discussing the Kallikantzaroi and their place in Greek Christmas tradition.
Kallikantzaros on Mythical Encyclopedia: A summary of the Kallikantzaros and their significance in Greek mythology.
Greek Christmas Trolls: Kallikantzaroi on Helinika: An article exploring the Kallikantzaroi and their role in Greek folklore.
Related article: New Year’s Greetings for 2024
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